What To Send Up When It Goes Down

Playwright: Aleshea Harris

Director: Whitney White

Donna Ward Photography

“Early on in the show, directed by Whitney White, in a kind of intimate workshop, one performer (Kalyne Coleman, who is stunning as both a performer and the host) asks the audience members…New York Times - In ‘What to Send Up,’ I See You, Black American Theater

Lessons in Survival

Vineyard Theater

The Commissary

Director: Tyler Thomas

“We talk about it as like hearing a song you’re remembering the lyrics to,” said Kalyne Coleman, who portrays Giovanni and Hansberry. “With Hansberry, I think of her sound as flute and sax. I think of Nikki Giovanni as a soft drum that hits hard.” New York Times - The Sound in Their Ears? Black Thinkers Sharing ‘Lessons in Survival’

References To Salvador Dali Make Me Hot

Pell Chaffee Performance Center Citizens Bank Theater

Playwright: José Rivera

Director: Tatyana-Marie Carlo

Mark Turek Photography

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World Premiere & 2019 Kilroys Award Winner

America v. 2.1 The Sad Demise and Eventual Extinction of the American Negro

Barrington Stage Company
Playwright: Stacey Rose
Director: Logan Vaughn

Winner of the 2019 Broadway World Berkshires Outstanding Play Production Award.

Daniel Radar Photography

“Coleman plays the youngest character, but one with enough worldly experience to know what is wrong and what is right in the life-path she leads. Her belligerence is beautiful and her movements are graceful, making her an ideal representative of the larger human race rather than a significant representative of just one facet of mankind…” Berkshire Edge, BroadwayWorld

“…Coleman zestily creates Sparks, who says, "I'm gonna smash that cracker's head" before slashing the throats…” Times Union

“Kalyne Coleman as Leigh is mindful of the fine line that keeps the troupe from disaster, but she has a gritty determination to prevail. If there is ever a better life, she will be there to embrace it as self-preservation is her mantra. Coleman’s facial expressions and graceful movements tell all about her inner savvy and knowing subservience.” CurtainUp

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Black Odyssey

Trinity Reparatory Theater 
Playwright: Marcus Gardley
Directors: Joe Wilson & Jude Sandy

2019 Motif Award for Best Production, 2019 Broadway World Rhode Island Award Nomination for Best Actress, Lead-Professional

Mark Turek Photography

“Kalyne Coleman as Nella P is completely convincing as both a grieving wife and also a fearsome mother worried about raising her son without a father. Penelope, the original character in The Odyssey, is known as one of the strongest and smartest female characters in classical literature, and Coleman's performance does that legacy very proud.” Broadway World

"As Ulysses struggles to stay alive, his pregnant wife Nella Pell (Kalyne Coleman gives a good, solid performance) waits for his return.” The Westerly Sun

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How We Got On

Pell Chaffee Performance Center Citizens Bank Theater
Playwright: Idris Goodwin
Director: Josiah Davis

Mark Turek Photography

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Julius Caesar

Brown Trinity | AS220
Directed by Josiah Davis

Phoebe Neel Photography

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Love’s Labour’s Lost | Richard III

Shakespeare Academy at Stratford
Directors: Brian McManamon | Tia James

Katie Rooney Photography